If you are one of those people who gets tense, just thinking about your next dental checkup, you may benefit from sedation dentistry offered here at
Wetaskiwin Family Dental in Wetaskiwin.
Millions of people stress out when they have to see the dentist. Some of them would rather skip the dentist altogether than sit down for a checkup. Trust us, this is a bad idea: it puts your dental health at risk.
There are lots of reasons why people develop anxiety or phobia over dental care. Whatever it is, we want you to get the treatment you need, without needless anxiety.
We offer oral conscious sedation. You take a sedative an hour or so before the appointment. You won’t sleep, but will be in a deeply relaxed state. When the appointment is over, someone will have to drive you home.
Whatever it is that stresses you about the dentist, we don’t want you to compromise your dental health by skipping checkups. Sedation dentistry from
Wetaskiwin Family Dental in Wetaskiwin may be just for you. People come to us from Leduc, Camrose, and Ponoka for complete general dentistry, and much more. Schedule an appointment today!